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tv   Special Report With Bret Baier  FOX News  August 6, 2018 3:00pm-4:00pm PDT

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and anything you hear may be attached to trump. the new drug will be helping kids do this kind of stuff which is what kids should be doing. >> thanks for being here. set your dvr and never miss an episode. she likes her coffee with sugar and cream, it's shannon bream. >> loved it dana, thank you so much. >> this is a fox news alert. the prosecution's star witness in the case against the former campaign chairman has taken the stand. peter doocy is in alexandria tonight again with the very latest on the trial. good evening, peter. >> one of the first things that rick gates, paul manafort's former deputy and business partners told the jury this afternoon was that he did break the law. one of the mueller prosecutors asked rick gates, were you involved in criminal activity when you work for paul manafort, and he said yes. he testified he did commit a
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crime at the conspired with paul manafort when they filed fraudulent tax returns and failed to file a report of foreign financial accounts known as a f bar. he has a long-term plan to attack gates' credibility by accusing him of going broke and embezzling money from his boss, paul manafort, but gates beat them to it and admitted to stealing hundreds of thousands of dollars from his former boss by submitting false expense reports. even though the jury in this case is constantly told not to do any research on this trial or the main players, gates just disclosed to them that he was arrested and later pled guilty to conspiracy and to lying to federal agents. and he made a deal with the federal government for today's appearance. the judge in this case said the molar team would not be able to prove a conspiracy involving paul manafort without hearing from rick gates. and now former number two is not
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wasting any time sharing what he saw and heard while serving as manafort's deputy. the theory was that huge sums of money would be wired from manafort-controlled companies and marked as loans instead of income because there is a tax benefit. gates just told the court room that when an and com came in, mr. manafort would direct whether it was income or not. and when there was a scene of the courtroom wants the jury was out but out but paul manafort was still sitting right there, the judge, tsl, really dressdown mueller's prosecutors because he thinks they are going to slowly with the case and accuse them of having bad manners and not looking at him while they were being addressed. >> shannon: he is very firm and feisty. peter doocy peter doocy in virg. thank you very much. another fox news alert now, and
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just six hours the u.s. will snap back sanctions on iran and bring already difficult relations with the islamic republic to a new and darker level. the move what's been cemented by a signature today but it was telegraphed this spring when the president whizzed through the u.s. from iran's nuclear deal with the west. also tonight, north korea is calling on the president to drop costly sanctions on on the pyongyang regime over its nuclear weapons program. we have greg in london with what kim jong un's government is saying and doing under financial penalties. we start off with rich edson and the economic device tightening on iran. >> reporter: this is the effective u.s. exit from the iran nuclear agreement. at midnight tonight, the sanctions will be restored against the u.s., the same sanctions that the u.s. had left it as part of that 2015 agreement. there are plenty of countries around the world that oppose those u.s. moves.
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thousands of protesting inflation, unemployment and corruption of that is before the united states officially snaps back or restores the sanctions tonight that it lifted as part of the iran nuclear agreement. the trump administration says the regime is launched shaky on. >> we want to put unprecedented pressure on the government of iran to change its behavior and so far they show no indication they are prepared to do that. >> officials say these restored sanctions are encouraged to have iran halt its ballistics missiles program and support international militias. it targets its currency abroad and business in precious metals, aluminum, steel, coal and its auto industry in the first phase. in less than three months the administration plans to hit the oil production and banks. the iranian president said the sanctions were under president trump's proposal to meet meaningless. >> we are ready for talks to see how they are compensating and
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paying us back. america owes the iranian nation for several interventions in their country. they should both apologize to us and compensate for the past. if they do so we have already been ready for talks. >> administration officials say the u.s. will aggressively enforce these sanctions subjecting businesses from u.s. allies to penalties. in a statement, president trump 1 to warrants "individuals that fail to wind down activities with iran of risk severe consequences." >> i call on the european state to talk about stopping iran to join this move. it's time to stop talking and it's time for doing. this is exactly what the u.s. state and what europe should do. >> instead the european governments plan to hold the agreement together with china, russia and iran. in a statement, britain, germany and france say we are determined to protect economic operators engaged in legitimate business with iran. the preservation and maintenance
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of the defect of international channels with iran and the continuation of export of oil and gas. senior state department officials say the united states has visited more than 20 countries, speaking with firms and governments about the dangers of conducting business with iran. the u.s. will get a sense soon about how effective those meetings have been window sanctions go into effect a few hours from now. >> shannon: we will be standing by, thank you. north korea is pleating from the u.s. for a break in sanctions and there is increasing evidence that the regime is not living up to its commitment which would earn an easing of the penalties. greg palkot has that part of the story. >> ceremonies marked the 75th anniversary of the first dropping of bombs in hiroshima japan. it ended world war ii and left 140,000 dead. >> we will continue our tenacious effort to realize a nonnuclear world. >> this is as the back-and-forth
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intensifies with north korea. the kim jong un regime is demanding the u.s. dropped sanctions against the country. claiming america is making outrageous arguments that the north has two denuclearize forest. they confirm the regime continues to build muscles and materials for nuclear bombs. >> we expect they live up to their word, they give that word to the south koreans and have given that word to us and denuclearize to. we want performance here, not rhetoric. north korea claims the return of the remains was believed to be u.s. service members as a sign it has made promises at the singapore summit. others aren't shorts sure of. >> that whole meeting with donald trump was about nuclear weapons and after being provided a world stage appearance with donald trump, which he had always been denied kim jong un. >> secretary pompeo shook hands with his north korean
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counterpart in another meeting in singapore on saturday, amid tough words on both sides. the house plays down reports that it could be another trump summit. >> there is nothing scheduled, we've exchanged letters between president trump and kim jong un. >> it is now confirmed that there will be a reunion of families from north and south korea later this month, another can pledge and hopefully more results to come. >> shannon: thank you very much. wells fargo says a company mistake contributed to hundreds of foreclosures because it miscalculated customers eligibility for mortgage modifications. the bank says the glitch caused about 625 customers to be in and denied or not offered loan modifications they otherwise qualified for. foreclosures were completed in about 400 of the cases. the bank is setting aside a million dollars to help the affected customers. facebook is asking large u.s. banks to share detailed financial information about their customers. as part of an effort to offer
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new services to users, that's according to "the wall street journal." reports of financial information from the banks include card transactions and checking account balances. facebook says it would not use the bank data for ad targeting purposes or share it with third parties. the longtime pepsico ceo is stepping down. she's one of the most high-profile women to run a fortune 500 fortune 500 country. the native of india has been with pepsico for four years and it will remain as chairman until early next year. positive day on wall street, the dow rose 40, the s&p 500 finished ahead ten and nasdaq jumped 48. we are leading waiting to get guidance on whether president trump will agree to an interview with robert mueller. until then he continues to proclaim his innocence and that of his son. john roberts has that story tonight. >> reporter: even on vacation president trump continues to drive the news cycle with single
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tweets that quickly become the most talked about the topic of the day. for a president who says he wants the molar investigation to go away, he seems to do a lot to keep it alive. in a tweet complaining about media coverage, president trump scoffed at the idea that he is concerned about the meeting my wonderful son donald had an trump tower with the russian attorney and other russians. but it was what he added that raised eyebrows and a grin thrust the molar investigation into the spotlight. the president tweeted, this was a meeting to get information on an opponent, totally legal and it done all the time in politics and it went nowhere. democrats left on the tweets evidence that it had been incomplete at best and at worst, untrue. the ranking member of the house intelligence committee adam schiff tweeted, the russians offer damaging info on your opponent, your campaign accepted and the russians delivered.
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the purpose of the trump tower meeting would have become public. now you say you didn't know in advance, none of this is normal or credible. he claims the russians delivered but there is no evidence that they delivered anything. what president trump tweeted wasn't exactly new, either. a year ago at a press conference with french president emmanuel macron, he gave much the same explanation about the trump tower meeting. >> president trump: i think from a practical standpoint, most people would have taken that meeting. it's called opposition research or even research into your opponent. >> a few days later, president tweeted about it. most politicians would have gone to the meeting like john jr. attended. in his sunday missive, president trump also pushed back on reports that his former attorney michael cohen was going to tell investigators that the president knew about that meeting in advance.
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president trump president trumpi did not know about it. he goes further than he ever has in acknowledging that the meeting was about getting information on an opponent and it has raised questions whether seeking election help from a foreign national may have broken the law, or at the very least that the tweets may give ammunition to the robert mueller investigation into possible obstruction of justice. the president's attorney called that idea nonsense. >> obstruction by justice is absurd. >> the other big question, or the president sit for an interview with robert mueller? last week the president declined his proposal to talk only about russia, the election and collusion saying he also wants to ask questions to go to the issue of obstruction of justice. >> we are moving as expeditiously as possible to make the determination and make our recommendation to the president. the president has been clear that he wants to interview and i will tell you, his legal team is concerned.
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>> sources tell fox news the president's legal team may respond as soon as tomorrow for robert mueller's parameters and interviews. we will keep you apprised of any develop meant's. >> shannon: john roberts at the white house, thank you. and america's election headquarters tonight, a special election in ohio that could be the best barometer yet in predicting which party will end up controlling the house next year. republicans are trying to defend the seat they have held for the most part over the last century. kristin fisher is in columbus tonight. >> you have four votes here. >> ohio state senator trey balderston is running a race that should be a cakewalk for a republican. the last time a democrat won this district was in 1980 and president trump won it by double digits. >> president trump: i won by a lot and i'm thrilled to be back. >> that's why he came on saturday to encourage supporters that i vote for balderston was a
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vote for his agenda. >> if you want to stop the radical pelosi and waters agenda, there's only one choice in this election and that is vote for troy balderston. >> i need your volunteer hours, your enthusiasm and most importantly i need your vote august 7th. >> not all republicans are convinced that the president's support is a good thing including the states old own governor. >> the chaos that surrounds donald trump has unnerved a lot of people so suburban people in particular here are the ones that are really turned off. >> and those suburban women who lived just outside of columbus are exactly who is opponent danny o'connor has tried to target. including his battle with -- his mom's battle with breast cancer. >> when i think of families who don't have that access, it ticks me off. >> he's also trying to distance
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himself from houston minority leader nancy pelosi. >> we need new generations of leadership. >> at saturday's rally, president trump continue to try to tie him to the current democratic leadership. >> president trump: pelosi controls danny o'connor. >> he is the county recorder and if he wins he will be the youngest member of congress. it would be an epic upset heading into the midterms. >> there's no question about it that this will be a referendum on the president. >> are you at all concerned that president trump support might hurt you with some key constituencies like white suburban women? >> i think president trump's economic agenda is my number one focus. >> you're not at all concerned that his coming here last night could hurt you? >> no concern at all. >> in the end of this will all come down to turn out. which candidate can get voters to the polls in a special election in the middle of the summer and, after democrats have this enthusiasm advantage heading into the midterms? we will find out tomorrow.
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>> shannon: we welcome and we will check in with you on the scene kristin fisher. up next, ending in the military to fight the wildfires in california. first, here's what some of the fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. ws xt in boston as the city gets its first black commissioner for police. he takes over for william evans who announced last month that he was retiring after 40 years in the department. box two in san francisco, as a berkeley police department says it's arrested 17 people and confiscated weapons from a confrontation between alt-right protesters and counter demonstrators in the city's downtown. police say the note to marxism in america rally drew a few hundred rival antifascists and anti-marxist protesters, some of whom carried weapons and through fireworks. and this is alive look at boston from chicago fox 32. the big story there, at least 11 people were shot and killed and about 70 others were wounded over the weekend.
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police are attributing the violence mostly to gangs. police say gang members are using large summer crowds as cover in some cases. that's two nights alive look outside the beltway from "special report." we will be right back.
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it gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. it's the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. over 200 soldiers with engineering specialties are being deployed from mccord to help fight firefighters.
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the mendocino complex fire has now scorch the land area larger than new york new york city or. almost 10,000 homes or other buildings remain threatened and 75 homes have already been destroyed. that is now the second-largest fire on record in the state. another of the worst in california history as a car fire burning around redding, about 100 miles south of the oregon state line. over the weekend, governor jerry brown who was previously blamed for california's worst fires toured very ravaged neighborhoods and asked president trump for help. >> we are dealing with that humanly, financially and governmentally. i've asked him to make a major decoration and he's done it in the past, i'm confident he will do it again. >> he did indeed order federal assistant while taking twitter's website california's policy, sunday and again today. writing "governor jerry brown must allow the free flow of the
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vast amounts of water coming from the north and being foolishly diverted into the pacific ocean. it can be used for fires, farming and everything else. it's not clear exactly what the president meant by diverting water to the ocean. california allocates water for residential and agricultural use among other things and much of it does eventually drain into the pacific via rivers. >> thank you. military troops and other defensive personnel and certain high-risk war zone areas will not be allowed to use fitness tracker or cell phone maps that reveal their location. military leaders will determine without the troops under their command can use the device is based on the security threat in that area or on that base. saudi arabia is expelling the canadian ambassador and freezing all new business with canada
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over its criticism of the ultraconservative kingdoms arrest of women's rights activists. the dispute centers around tweets by canadian diplomats, calling on the kingdom to immediately release detained women. the dispute with canada is part of a larger saudi pushback against external criticism. the u.s. is denying any involvement in what venezuela says was an attempted assassination of its president over the weekend. correspondent steve harrigan tells us what happened and what the reaction was. >> venezuelan president nicolas maduro addresses the national guard on live television saturday and then stops to look up. two drones, each carrying approximately 2 pounds of explosives have just blown up in front of the podium. chaos follows, hundreds of national guard troops run for their lives. the president unhurt is swarmed by bodyguards with kevlar shields. seven people are injured by the blast. three hours later, he addresses
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the nation again placing blame for the apparent attack on opposition figures. based in the u.s. and neighboring columbia. >> today they attempted to assassinate me and i have no doubt that everything points to the right. at. the venezuelan far right, and alliance with the colombian right. we want to present that it would show a potential violation of u.s. criminal law and we will take a serious look at it. >> authorities have made six arrests, and venezuelan officials say the two drones cost about $5,000 each, can fly for 20 minutes and be controlled from 1 mile away. one of the drones crashed into a department building and the military claims to have knocked the second drone off course electronically. reports of the attack work met with some skepticism and venezuela. local firefighters essentially t
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a gas tank explosion inside of a building because the blast. chaos comes at a challenging time, our former plus driver who routinely jails political opponents. despite the world's largest oil reserves, venezuela faces shortages of food and medicine with inflation at one million percent. this was supposed to be a staged event to show that he was in control in venezuela, but the result was the exact opposite. shannon? >> shannon: thank you very much. up next you will see the video of another fatal shooting and hear about the political standoff over florida's stand your ground gun law. but first beyond our borders. experts are expecting a higher death toll following a powerful earthquake on the indonesian island of lombok. at least 98 people are confirmed dead end of quake to help build rescuers have not reach some of the devastated areas.
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its second deadly quake to hit that that area in a week. at least 56 people have been injured in a bridge has partially collapsed following a major explosion on the highway near the northern city of bologna. media reports say the explosion was caused by an accident involving a truck that was transporting substances that exploded on impact. the zimbabwe main opposition party says it will make a statement tomorrow about its plan to challenge election results in the courts. president emerson mann and carla and his party won the election but, some say the results are fraudulent. we will be right back we never forget... that your business is our business the united states postal service. priority: you
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>> shannon: charges are not expected against a bystander who shot a gunman who started firing at a back-to-school festival along florida's space coast
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yesterday. the gunman was shot in the head and airlifted to the hospital with life-threatening injuries. bystander was lawfully carrying a firearm and was cooperating. this situation involves a white man who killed a black man over an argument stemming from a dispute over a parking space. >> a parking lot dispute turns deadly. it's clearly a stand your ground case and refuses to make an arrest. >> i believe in the rule of law and my obligation is to follow its dictates. i don't make the law and i do not do what people want because of and outrage. >> in a church service protesting the death with all five democratic candidates for governor on hand, the reverend al sharpton said the sheriff is wrong. demanding an arrest and a murder charge despite florida's stand your ground law. >> it has happened again and
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again we are here, and we are going to keep coming until we see some justice in this case. >> convenience store cameras captured at mclaughlin and his girlfriend where she illegally parked in a handicapped spot. he went inside and that's where michael directs, approached her and argued about where she parked. moments later, the unarmed mcglocklin comes out, sees what's happening and shoves the other man to the ground and then he pulls out his concealed handgun and shoots. for more than two weeks protesters have been comparing this to florida's 2012 shooting death of trave on martin by neighborhood watchman george zimmerman who said he was in fear for his life. the jury and not high-profile trial acquitted zimmerman of murder. the mclaughlin family argues that video is on their side because it shows a mclaughlin backing out. >> he had four seconds to think about it, he did not have to pull the trigger.
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>> florida nra disagrees with the sheriff interpretation of the stand your ground law saying an arrest can be made if there is probable cause. the case is now under investigation by the state attorney who may or may not file criminal charges. >> shannon: phil keating in florida, thank you. nascar chairman and ceo brian francis is taking and it definitely leave of absence after his arrest in the hamptons on charges of driving while intoxicated and criminal possession of oxycodone. his blood alcohol content was more than twice the legal limit, and he smelled of booze and slurred his words after he was seen driving through a stop sign. he was arraigned at the site harker sag harbor justice court. if you or someone you know is 65 or about to be, pay attention to the story. there is a disturbing trend in america involving older americans and their finances.
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gillian turner tells us why it is and why it's happening. >> the golden years have long been a central feature of the american dream. golf course communities, good health care and comfort dominating popular conceptions of retirement life, but a new study from the consumer bankruptcy project finds millions of americans age 65 plus jolted by a new reality. seniors are more likely to declare bankruptcy today than ever before. their rate of bankruptcy increase between two and 300% since 1991. there are multiple interconnecting factors to explain the jump. >> both and there are too many people living on on limited incomes, fixed incomes with modest savings and not enough cushion. >> income is also a major factor, half of all people 65 or older today live on less than $30,000 annually. adequate savings can help protect seniors from bankruptcy.
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of those filing on average, and 250,000 in assets. but even more important is health care costs. the costs are skyrocketing. >> few people have the money in their pockets to pay tens of thousands of dollars for care in a nursing home or assisted living or even some of the high crossed drugs that we see coming to market. >> cpp finds out-of-pocket spending on health care accounts for 41% of the security check. costs are on the rise for everyone, both old and young. this study also finds retirees increasingly carrying the debt of younger generations. cosigning student loans and mortgages were millennials. >> shannon: lawmakers in new york state approved bill
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giving paid bereavement leave following the death of a loved one. the bill now awaits the signature of democratic governor andrew cuomo. his office said he is reviewing the legislation. sanctions and policy. we will talk about it with the panel all about how the president is dealing with iran and north korea, when we come back call one today. are you in good hands?
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strongly we feel that the iranian nuclear weapons program and its ballistic missile program, support for terrorism, and belligerent activity in the middle east have to stop. translating back the first step would be to president trump showing he wants to engage in negotiations to solve a problem. what's the meaning of negotiations when you impose sanctions at the same time? it's like someone pulling a knife to stab a rival or an enemy in the arm while at the same time claiming we should be talking and negotiating. we won our panel is here to talk about that. jason riley, columnist and senior fellow at the manhattan institute. and at charles hurt, opinion editor for the washington times. welcome to you all. jason, let's start with you. at the residence of remarks they are, the armenian president saying essentially, you can't be mean to us and talk to us at the same time, it's not going to work. >> shannon, i think this the right call from the
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administration. the obama administration refused to submit it to congress for the treaty because he knew the senate wouldn't go along. the president never submitted to polling, it was around 21% positive for the public. plus it's a lousy deal. the sunset clause allows the iranians to wait us out. the inspections are limited and we can't even verify that they are doing what they said they can do. we gave iran more resources to cause more trouble by easing the sanctions. this is definitely the right thing to do. >> there are those who think it should be held together, mainly our european allies. if they don't think it's a big deal, they think it's a worth salvaging. >> to my european prints, under these sanctions you have to pick between day iranian economy and the european economy, you can no longer do business with both
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searches wisely. to our european allies, stand behind the iranian people, not the ayatollah. >> if that's a binary choice. >> yes and european companies do more with the united states and iran. even though europe would like to keep the deal intact, they are just not going to be able to because the choice is to start. i mean already you see european oil companies pulling out of iran to have secondary sanctions which the administration is promising, put on european companies and continue to do business with iran. it's too high of a price for them to pay. most people think this deal will be undermined because the united states is pulling out. >> the top democrat on the outside, nancy pelosi, house minorities leader says this. the president's latest ill-informed attempt, and, they
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set back the past toward a more stable reason and peaceful nonnuclear future. >> it kind of goes back to what jason just said about the fact that the reason president obama didn't put the iran deal through congress is because even democrats wouldn't have gotten on board with it. so it's kind of a musing to sit here and listen to nancy pelosi now sort of lecture that somehow it would have been a wiser path and it to stick with it. the other thing i think is important to remember, when you look back to three years ago, think of where we would be today if we had never had that iran deal. the old sanctions would be waiting an additional three years, and the iranian regime was by many reports in dire straits. people were very upset and there was a lot of protest in the streets. because of that lifeline and because of the billions of dollars that we gave them and the removal of the sanctions, it
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gave them a real breath of fresh air and strengthen them a whole lot. i just think that this probably is a very wise strategy that we are taking now. let's not forget, this is a radical theocratic regime that wants to destroy america and remove israel off the map. how can you take people like this as anything other than a militant enemy. >> shannon: talk about north korea as well because there is another situation where we are dealing with sanctions. his son back and forth, from former u.n. ambassador bolton. >> there is nobody in this administration starry eyed about the prospects of north korea actually do nuclearizing. the north korean regime knows what we expect of them, they
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expect us to live up to their word and deed nuclear rise and get moving. we want performance here, not rhetoric. >> we have tried in every way we can, we are doing the maximum sales job we can to say that door is open at the opportunity is clear. >> shannon: yet again we have north korean officials speaking out saying they demand that these sanctions be rolled back. >> this was part of the problem with the phasing out approach that the trump administration agreed to as opposed to opposing north korea to upfront agree to nuclearize h in. we've done some things and sent back remains of soldiers, we release some hostages, what are you giving us in return? of course our intelligence agencies says that the missile programs continue and link u.n. intelligence agencies are telling us the same thing. so we have seen a goodwill gesture is before from koreans, the obama administration saw them, but we really need to see
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the concrete steps towards nuclear relations and we have not seen that yet. >> there is a number of sanctions possibly from russia or china to make sure that north korea survives. >> this is a problem because the north korean did definition of what denuclearization is is not the same as ours. they want some kind of freeze for a freeze. donald trump came back from that meeting in singapore and declared flatly, there is no more nuclear threat from north korea. the question is, this goes forward and we get more evidence of north korea not dismantling and continuing to produce weapons, what does the president do, does he feel he is been snookered or does he -- is he so anxious to declare history that he overlooks that? >> key members like pompeo say we have lengthy expectations for how this is going to go.
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much more to talk about. up next with the panel, the trump our meeting. with my bladder leakage, the products i've tried just didn't fit right. they were very saggy. it's getting in the way of our camping trips. but with new sizes, depend fit-flex is made for me. introducing more sizes for better comfort. new depend fit-flex underwear is guaranteed to be your best fit.
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and lets you control your network with the xfi app. it's the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. are you ready to take your then you need xfinity xfi.? a more powerful way to stay connected. it gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home,
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and lets you control your network with the xfi app. it's the ultimate wifi experience. xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. >> the pretext of the meeting was, we have information. and there was even some small things, i don't even remember what it was. >> president trump: as i see it they talked about adoption and some things, nothing came of the meeting and i think it's a meeting that most people in politics probably would have taken. >> he certainly didn't dictate, but like i said it, he weighed in and offered suggestions like any father would do. >> i swear to god it was a mistake. i have no idea how they got it wrong, but they got it wrong. >> in a situation like this, over time facts develops.
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>> shannon: we are back with our panel to talk about the conversation this weekend sparked by the president's tweet on sunday. he said this, a fake, a complete fabrication that i'm concerned about the meeting that my son donald had in trump tower. this was information on an opponent, totally legal and nonall the time in politics and it went nowhere i did not know about it. there were headlines all over the place this weekend saying the president admits the meeting was about this, that and the other. but if you look back, and byron york did a good job diving into this, one of his tweets, july 17, 2017, he said most politicians would have gone to a meeting like the one don jr. attended in order to get information on an opponent, that's politics. that's more than a year ago. >> we have spent far too much time obsessing over endless intrigue with little new information when people start forgetting what we already knew. we already knew all of this and
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we've noted for a year and everybody has acknowledged that was involved in that trump tower meeting that it involved a promise that there was some information about a political -- about hillary clinton. but this is what happens when you have this many reporters spending this amount of time doing nothing but chewing over the exact same thing with absolutely no new information coming out. you wind up with nonsense. >> wait a second, there was something new and the president tweeted about it. he didn't have to reintroduce the whole thing, he tweeted about it. that's what shannon just read. the president reintroduced -- >> he brought it back. i agree with you, it wasn't new, but the fact is, the president thinks about this a lot and it tweets about this a lot. he keeps it alive. >> why does he need to? there was no big news story about the trump tower meeting. there was one thing in
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"the washington post" that he could have totally ignored but he gave it life. the united states and of america is not reading "the washington post" story about what he's thinking about his son. he breathed oxygen into the story, once again talking about this. he gave it life and i agree, it's not new. he said now slightly more definitively, this was a meeting about possible information that would hurt my opponents. whether or not everyone would have taken this meeting, that's for somebody else to decide. >> do you really doubt that anybody would not -- >> i absolutely doubt. when that briefing book went to the al gore campaign with the george w. bush internal, they told me, they called the fbi. when a foreign national -- the email that went to don jr. in advance of the meeting said the russian government has information that could help you against hillary.
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>> not everyone would have taken that meeting. >> with not only heard multiplexed donations about why the meeting took place, but multiple explanations about who knew about the meeting, when it was going to occur and who dictated the statement about what took place at the meeting. depending on whether you are talking about with the presence i'd come up with the president's son said, what michael: said, that's the bottom line. they can't get their story straight. everyone has been warning trump about his tweets for years now and we know why he tweets. he doesn't trust the media to get the story out so he read relies on that. that's a prime example on how investigations can come back to haunt you. >> shannon: we know he's under attack and is ready for this to wrap back up and if he is somebody that's totally innocence, you might feel that way. whether that's a plus or minus or him, he takes the bait and doesn't like to be questioned on those things. let's play a little bit more
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from some lawmakers on the hill. back and forth on this issue of whether there is proof of collusion? >> i think it's in plain sight but there's also a different statement saying there is proof beyond reasonable doubt or criminal conspiracy and bob mueller will have taken determine that. >> if there was strong evidence that would have been leaked by now. >> shannon: i could be wrong about this, but i think it was congressman gaudi who said it, if adam smith had had this information he would have acted by now. >> yes, they are saying i don't know what all the evidence is. this has been going off for a year and a half now. democrats are talking about expecting a big blue wave in december and the table is set for them to enjoy some real games. but that blue wave will turn into a blue puddle if they hang everything on and impeach trump
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and abolish fisa. it's a great way to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory. >> shannon: but the blue puddle, you say that maintains maintains -- >> he gives them the right to hold investigations just like republicans did after they got the house back in 2010 and they started investigations of the obama administration. i agree that if they run on impeachment and abolish i.c.e., they will suffer. but i don't see individual candidates out there, outside of washington talking about those two things. i do think if they get the house back they will start investigations, but i don't know about impeachment. >> while tom sayers was wondering if it would continue. when we come back, some amazing video of an heroic rescue. some advisers have hidden and layered fees.
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there who risk their own safety to try to help and they praise the officers. i'd like to praise everybody who was involved in that because i ran to the car and got the folks out, they are all heroes. that's it for "special report." i am shannon bream of washington and i will see you back here for a "fox news that night." >> filled media launches on all out assault on president trump, but forget about facts. >> donald trump can't keep his twitter finger still and he may have stumbled into a complete game changer in russia gait. >> the president out right at meeting the trump tower meeting was issuing dirt on hillary clinton. >> does further in meshes him into not collusion but a conspiracy. >> all this back-and-forth basically has the president of the united states as an unindicted coconspirator. >> martha: single tweet